Another strange, dislocated year, with not much organized Bookfish-ing.
Just 17 posts over the year, mostly in a few bursts: three in Jan, mostly about #bluehumanities; four in May, building up to the great Sea Sense web-conference “at” UC Irvine; six in a burst in June including a Creative-Critical event “at” Nottingham Trent U. for which I ran a Zoom workshop and my lone theater review, of Madeline Sayet’s “Where We Belong,” which I watched on Zoom but also heard her do a live interview on the New Haven Green; one in August when Grand Little Things published three of my Covid sonnets; one in November for #shax2022; and my year-end wrap on 12/31/21.
A did have a nice new development in publishing poems — three from Blood & Bourbon in June, three in Grand Little Things, and this blog-sonnet for World Ocean’s Day.
What will I Bookfish about in ’22? I have big plans, which may encounter reality in various ways. A trip to Auburn in March to visit a grad seminar and give a talk about “Geography, Genre, and Elizabethan Fiction”! SAA in Jacksonville in April! A trip to Bern in May to give a workshop and a public lecture! All of it building up the three months (Oct-Dec) at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich at the year’s end.
I hope those will all go, but this past year I ended up skipping out on the amazing Swimming a Long Way Together launch in Dublin, and also Anthropocene Campus Venice in November. So we’ll see what the third year of Covid brings…